Image-81: "At least 3x daily, Mummy and Daddy", a billboard advert on the Hagelberger Strasse, Berlin - Studio Karel © 2003/05

Sk-log ...

RotorI'm not much of a diary or a (b)log writer, at least not in the public domain, social media are not for me. But hey, sometimes there are interesting things to share and it will be a useful resource for myself, so here we go with some entries on ... stuff I do and stuff I like, perhaps even stuff I don't like. A kind of ipsilogue, an index for myself, although that's not yet a regular expression. This, then, will be a sklog and I have no doubt that it will have an ultra-tiny audience. If you do end up here for some reason ... enjoy.

Last 5 posts ...

20th January, 2023
Yulemasfest Card 2022 ...

The yearly Yulemasfest card is ready, but with some delay.

Only a digital version this year for those interested. We were away in Nepal over the November period, the time I usually do most of the work on these cards.

Front of card.
Front of card.
Back of card.
Back of card.
Inside of card.
Inside of card.
8th January, 2022
Yulemasfest Card 2021 ...

The yearly Yulemasfest card is ready again and was sent to family and friends in December.

Again a little different and instead of the usual design inspired compilation a bunch of objects from our youth created in 3D during the winter of 2020/21 in SketchUp. The back of the card has been modified a little for privacy reasons.

Front of card.
Front of card.
Back of card.
Back of card.
Inside of card.
Inside of card.
14th January, 2021
The "Fluitketel" ...
To make hot water, at home in the 1950's, you had to boil it in a kettle. We had no electric or gas boiler at that time. So hot water was used sparingly and a once a week bath in the tub was pretty common. This is the kettle we used in the 1950's for as far as I can glean things from old photos. I cannot find a similar example on-line, so perhaps there are not all that many of these kettles left.
The "Fluitketel"
13th January, 2021
Father's "Rookstoel" ...
Dad's 'comfy' chair from the 1950's was a traditional Liberty chair, known as a 'rookstoel' or smoking chair.
Father's "Rookstoel"
11th January, 2021
The "Zeepklopper" ...
Washing up in the 1950's was done by hand, there were no dishwashers in the homes I remember, they came in the 1970's and 1980's. We had a metal washing-up bowl ('afwasteiltje') and used a 'zeepklopper' (soap saver or soap shaker) to make suds. Warm water came from the kettle, the boiler only came in the 1960's.
The "Zeepklopper"

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